Atlys digilent board can't run at 1000mbps (ethernet)

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Newbie level 3
Dec 7, 2013
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Hi everybody,

I'm trying to build a system that load video from ethernet port -> ram -> hdmi. Everything works great at 10 or 100mbps link speed but that's so slow, not enough for my system.

I followed xapp1026 (using Axi_Ethernet) example, config mhs and ucf file as it, expect that in the example they use input clock is 200khz but in my system only 100khz, because when I try to change it to 200khz I got an error in EDK (14.4).

Anybody can give an idea to get it work ? If I set lwip to use 1000 mbps, that runs ok and shows successful setting message through Terminal, but I can't ping or send data to, One thing is that on the board, the link speed led which turned on was still a 100 mbps , not 1000 mbps ? Something's wrong here ?

I'm using cat5e which supports 1000mbps link speed, so I think it's not a cable problem. My laptop is using Intel(R) pro/1000 MT network connection which is ok too ! So I think the problem can only come from the system design or firmware ?

I appeciate all your helps !:grin::grin::grin:

Hi mrflibble,
Sorry for my ignorance but I'm new to this board and I read it before, but it seems too complicated for me ? I wonder if I can use it along with EDK design and what should I do to reach it ?

Sorry for my ignorance but I'm new to this board and I read it before, but it seems too complicated for me ? I wonder if I can use it along with EDK design and what should I do to reach it ?

Only several ways to find out. One of which would be to just try it.

Thanks mrflibble, i will try it later, but now i have to implement it with ip core from EDK (axi_ethernet - gmii). Any idea here or someone can share me the configuration for mhs and ucf file which worked with 1gbps link speed ?

Nope. But you could of course show your work, why the does example works, and how it suddenly stops working when you provide a different clock. Assuming of course you also change parameters where applicable.

I mean if the only problem is having a 100 kHz clock and not a 200 kHz clock then generate a 200 kHz clock already.

And for the sake of simplicity I am assuming that you actually meant kHz and not MHz... 200 kHz seems a bit low as a source clock for a gbit ethernet interface.

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