at8c51 programer pcb diagram

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You can use this simple programmer :

You can even make this on protoboard without PCB.

For software use ISP-Flash Programmer 3.0a or better.

SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

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SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

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SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

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SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

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SIR i want the programer at89c51 not at89s51

Check this programmer:

Software is ProLoad 5.4.
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In diagram it say only for At89s seris so i think it is not for at89c51 programer
my computer has no db25 port can you please provide a diagram to usb

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Sir i have downloaded ISP-Flash Programmer 3.0a software but these programer has only at89s MIcrocontroller list no at89c51 list so can you please provide link to download it

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