at89s51 Programmer using PIC Microcontroller

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 18, 2006
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pic programmer

Hi All,

I am Using PIC16f877a's SPI Protocol to program the 8051 IC.
My design is to Program the 89s51 one by one ie..Single byte at a time.
I will get the Address, Opcode from Serial Port(No intel Hex Format) and Programming the 89s51.

I Programmed the IC successfully and Tested it.

Here the Problem i cannot write a same location second time.
For Example:
I have written 0x0046--0xaa

If i Write the same location Second Time 0x0046---0x32.

The Location 0x0046 changed to 0x00...( 0x32 not written).


First you have to erase the content (make all the locations 0xff)



Is there any method to erase a Particular memory location?
Erasing all the contents will erase everything
but i need to edit some portion of a large program by modifying few memory locations only.
remaining content should be retained.
That particular memory location editing is not working. thats is my problem

No, you can erase only the whole chip.

The only way to modify a part of the content is to read the whole content into a temporary storage (I'd use an external serial eeprom e.g. 24Cxx, if there is not enough internal storage onchip of the PIC); perform the erase, and then write back the modified content.


I already Included SEEPROM in My Board.

Then I thought you people will have different Idea.

Okay. I will Try With Serial Memory. Thanks a Lot for all.

Just Suggest any other 16Fxx IC compatible with 16f877a with more EEPROM?

Dear My Friend sukumar

Can you please shar your sucess with us,share your programmer schematic and firmware wiyh my pleasure

Best Regards

yes. I am also trying to make one like that.

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