hi all
i connected at89c51 with at24c04 eeprom to store data
i have problem
i am wirting the data in the at24c04 with address 0101 to store data and then read data.
the problem is at89c51 does not write the data in the at24c04 on address 0101h
have any body solution of this error please send me some examples
to write data in write current data and read current data in the eeprom at24c04
please send me some examples
the problem is
i am wirting the data in the at24c04 with address 0FFH to store data and then read data its ok
but then i write the data in the eeprom with address 0FFH increase by one
0100H it will not write to the eeprom
please help me
and one more help me
have any body the diagram and the code of at89c51 to in the tv control such as ( volume,mute,brightness,contrast,color)
please send me some codes of asm files and diagrams.