I'm designing a PA layout in Virtuoso 6.1.8.-64b
My circuit contains mim capacitors, rphpoly_rf resistor along with 2V rf_NMOS and 2 Sporal_std_mu_x_20k. I get these errors when I place a second Inductor. when I ran LVS, it showed these three errors:
> n_psub_StampErrorMult
I don't have a clear idea of what these errors mean. I tried to google it but found no helpful information. I checked a couple of times in my layout to find any short or floating body. I do not see any. Could you explain the error and possible ways to solve this?
Thank you
My circuit contains mim capacitors, rphpoly_rf resistor along with 2V rf_NMOS and 2 Sporal_std_mu_x_20k. I get these errors when I place a second Inductor. when I ran LVS, it showed these three errors:
> n_psub_StampErrorMult
I don't have a clear idea of what these errors mean. I tried to google it but found no helpful information. I checked a couple of times in my layout to find any short or floating body. I do not see any. Could you explain the error and possible ways to solve this?
Thank you