Assura LVS question.

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Newbie level 4
Jun 22, 2006
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I have a lot more experence with calibre and not so much with Assura.

I have a large analog block with a net that will be connected at a higher level. so lets call this net GND. in my block i have 3 lower lever blocks that have GND inside them, they are not connected at this level. but, i want LVS to vertually connect them at this level.

how do i do that?

I don't think it will join nets if they are same-named but
at different levels of hierarchy and not polygon-connected.
But you could place a named pin on top of them each, and
force-join the nets by that named-net.

That's a messy thing, the way Assura is set up, and I often
spend an hour trying to get the right combination of radio
buttons and fill-form entries, for it. Then I forget how I did
it. I don't like to work that way. Maybe you'd have an easier
time with making a fake layout and a replica schematic, and
add to the fake layout some paths to wire it up which you'll
redo properly, later.
for assura you can do it in that way:
Assura - Run LVS - Modify avParameters

In window "LVS avParameters" find the ?flattenCellContents parameter and click on "Use in Run. After that, you must enter name of your top cell in "cells" field.
thanks for the replys

I found the answer.. Assura is .. well its different.

so heres what i did.

1 in the LVS window click View Additional Functions
2 the window will drop down to expose 6 options you can click on. click on "Use joinableNet Function
3 a button will appear just to the right of the radio button called " Modify JoinableNet Function..." Click it
4 a form will open up, its name is JoinableNet Commands
5 there are 2 fields, on the left is cell names, here you add your top level cell your cheking. lets call it CellA.
6 the right hand feild is for nets you want connected on the layout side (not schematic) lets say I add AVDD AVSS (no comma or collins)
7 just below the 2 fields is a "Add to Command list (below)" button, click it.

your done. when you run lvs, the nodes you intered in the right hand field are now vertually connected in layout. so in this example, when LVS runs on CellA, if you have multiple AVDD and AVSS pins, LVS will see them as connected.

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