ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortexM (LPC17xx,13xx,11xx) register settings wizard

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Re: ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortex M3 (LPC17xx) register settings wizard

ARMwizard updated to version 2.2.0

• Fixed: The GPDMA power control bit (PCONP) was not set to turn on the peripheral in LPC23xx/24xx/17xx
• Fixed: The IOCON, GPIO, GPIO interrupts power control bit (PCONP) was not set to turn on the peripheral in LPC17xx
• Fixed: The ADC clocks comment for each conversion in cortex MCU was always 60 instead of 65 or 31 in 17xx (calculation was correct)
• Fixed: The ADC calculate from samples/sec option didn't give correct results when a bit accuracy lower that 10bit/11clk was selected.
• Fixed: Some Processor Exception interrupt handler names in LPC17xx were not correct (NonMaskableInt, MemoryManagement, SVCall, DebugMonitor).
• Fixed: Changed several register names in LPc177x/8x models to match the names used in the latest CMSIS file (2011-03-03) included in Uvision v4.5
   *  OLD NAME                       *      NEW NAME                 *
   * KFLASH_IRQn                     *  EEPROM_IRQn                  *
   * KFLASH_IRQHandler               *  EEPROM_IRQHandler            *
   * LPC_IOCON->Px_00...Px_09        *  LPC_IOCON->Px_0...Px_9       *
   * LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr           *  LPC_USB->DevIntClr           *
   * LPC_USB->USBEpIntClr            *  LPC_USB->EpIntClr            *
   * LPC_USB->USBDMARClr             *  LPC_USB->DMARClr             *
   * LPC_USB->USBEoTIntClr           *  LPC_USB->EoTIntClr           *
   * LPC_USB->LPC_USB->USBNDDRIntClr *  LPC_USB->NDDRIntClr          *
   * LPC_USB->USBSysErrIntClr        *  LPC_USB->SysErrIntClr        *
   * LPC_USB->OTGIntClr              *  LPC_USB->IntClr              *

• Added: Interrupt description for the interrupt selected in the drop down list (CORTEX mcu).
• Added: The application form can now be resized because there were some problems in W7 with fonts set to 125%
• Added: Replace name functionality, in order to make the generated code compatible with register name changes in the mcu headers
• Changed: All the interrupt clear values have been changed from absolute values to a (1UL << x) format for easier understanding of the cleared bit number.

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Best regards

Re: ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortex M3 (LPC17xx) register settings wizard

What is new in v2.2.2

• Fixed: The drop down list contents in several peripheral settings were empty so the peripherals couldn't be set properly (EINT, ADC, Timer, PWM, SPI, SSP).

What is new in v2.2.1

• Fixed: The replace list was saved even when the cancel button was clicked in the "save as" dialog.
• Added: A swap button that can invert the list content, it swaps the old with the new values
• Added: Button to apply the replace operation to an external file

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Best regards

Re:ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortexM (LPC17xx,13xx,11Uxx) register settings wizard

ARMwizard has been updated to version 3.0

I'm very excited about this new version, I have added several new models that many of you have been asking.
I have also added the pinout images of the new models for quick reference (showMCU button).
If you are using the LPC11xx or LPC12xx then you have to wait a little longer, they will be added soon.

Please note that according to the NXP user manual the reserved bits 7:6 of IOCON have a reset value of 0 for the I2C pins (P0.4 and P0.5) in LPC1311/13/42/43 (this is also the case in the 11xx manual but not the 1315 or 11Uxx).
Bit7 is responsible for setting the analog/digital mode of the pin even when reserved and this is why the value of bit7 is 1 in every other pin of the mcu so it doesn't make sense to make an exception and have a value of 0 in a digital I2C pin.
I have asked the NXP support and they replied that the value is 0 as the manual says but I still doubt the answer and I believe it was based on the user manual without further thought.
After a discussion in the LPC2000 forum I have concluded that the values mentioned in the user manual are wrong so note that in the application I set the value of b7:6 to 1.
If you have an LPC1311/13/42/43 and after testing you think that the value I use is wrong please email me.

What is new in v3.0

• Fixed: In LPC177x/8x bit7 value in the IOCON register of pins P0.7, P0.8, P0,9 should be 1 and not 0
• Added: Group GPIO and EDGE/LEVEL PIN GPIO for LPC13xx, LPC11xx
• Added profiles for LPC11Uxx_(33p)        LPC11U12/14/24/34/35
• Added profiles for LPC11Uxx_(48p_QFP)        LPC11U12/13/14/23/24/34/35/36/37
• Added profiles for LPC11Uxx_(48p_BGA)        LPC11U14/24/35
• Added profiles for LPC11Uxx_(64p)             LPC11U24/35/36/37
• Added profiles for LPC1311/13/42/43         33pin, 48pin
• Added profiles for LPC1315/16/17/45/46/47    33pin, 48pin, 64pin
• Added profiles for LPC1776/78/86/88           144pin, 180pin

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Best regards

Re: ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortexM (LPC17xx,13xx,11Uxx) register settings wizar

ARMwizard has been updated to v3.1.0

What is new
• Fixed: The max operating frequency for the ADC peripheral in LPC175x/6x was 14MHz instead of 13MHz [nxp41306 in]
• Fixed: In the interrupt initalization of Cortex M0 the priority setting is now placed before enabling the interrupt.
• Fixed: The Interrupt priority comment was wrong, the priority level for CortexM0 is 0(highest) to 3(lowest).

• Added profiles for LPC11xx_(33p)              LPC11xx33/101, LPC11xx33/201, LPC11xx33/301 (33 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11xx_(48p)              LPC11xx48/101, LPC11xx48/201, LPC11xx48/301 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Lxx_(33p)             LPC11xx33/102, LPC11xx33/202, LPC11xx33/302 (33 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Lxx_(48p)             LPC11xx48/102, LPC11xx48/202, LPC11xx48/302 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11XLxx_(33p)            LPC11xx33/103, LPC11xx33/203, LPC11xx33/303, LPC11xx33/323, LPC11xx33/333 (33 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11XLxx_(48p)            LPC11xx48/103, LPC11xx48/203, LPC11xx48/303, LPC11xx48/323, LPC11xx48/333 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11C12_14_(48p)          LPC11C12, LPC11C14 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11C22_24_(48p)          LPC11C22, LPC11C24 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Exx_(33p)             LPC11E11, LPC11E14 (33 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Exx_(48p)             LPC11E12, LPC11E13, LPC11E14 (48 pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Exx_(64p)             LPC11E14 (64 pin)

• Added profile for mbed LPC11U24 board (LPC11U24_MBED) including an image with the board pinout.The Led pins (0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11) are set as output only and the two UART pins (0.18, 0.19) connected internally to the USB uart emulator
are inputs with only the uart alternative function available. I have also removed the OD, HYS, INV and pull up/down modes from these pins.


Re: ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortexM (LPC17xx,13xx,11xx) register settings wizard

ARMwizard has been updated to v3.2.0

• Added profiles for LPC11Axx_(33p) LPC11A11FHN33, LPC11A12FHN33, LPC11A13FHI33, LPC11A14FHN33 (33pin)
• Added profiles for LPC11Axx_(48p) LPC11A12FBD48, LPC11A14FBD48 (48 pin)
• Bugfixes

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Re: ARM7 (LCP21xx, 23xx, 24xx) & cortexM (LPC17xx,13xx,11xx) register settings wizard

The were a couple of bugs (introduced in v3.2.0) related to the operation of the pin interrupt list, this is a bug fix release.

What is new in v3.2.1

• Fixed: In WINE (linux) the pin interrupt treeview wasn't behaving properly on clicks
• Fixed: The contents of the pin interrupt treeview were not saved in the sav file

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What is new in v3.3.0
• Fixed: In LPC11Axx the ADC is powered down by default and has to be powered on before using the peripheral (PDRUNCFG register)
• Fixed: In LPC11Axx the SELCC dropdown was empty as default instead of "Clear on ..."
• Changed: LPC_SYSCON->PINSEL to LPC_SYSCON->PINTSEL for LPC11Axx, LPC1315/16/17/45/46/47,
• Added profiles for LPC1224/25/26/27 (48 & 64 pin versions). Note that you can only set CLK_DIV to IOCONFIGCLKDIV0..4 in the I/O settings.


UPDATE: hosting has been discontinued and until I can setup a redirect you can find ARMwizard in **broken link removed**

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