ARM CPU programming - any clues for starting?

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Beginner of ARM

I want to learn ARM CPU programming.
Could you give me some instruction for starting it?

ARM introduction

It is easy to find introductory documents talking about ARM assembly, and how to write assembly programs but it is dificult to find documents that talks about writing programs in C or C++ for ARM.
If you did find any please contact me

Download the GNU Development Environment for ARM from hxxp:// and play with it a bit. It has compilers/assemblers and a debugger with a simulator. You can use these tools to write simple programs and watch them in the simulator; for me this is one of the best ways of learning about a new architecture. Then go to and (and others) and watch the application notes and the support files. Atm*l offers a C library for their ARM based microcontrollers which is freely downloadable; take a look at it, it has some interesting thins.

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