I have designed an antenna operating at a frequency range between 2-2.4 GHz. I wanted to test the antenna in the laboratory. If a person is exposed to these at these frequency radiations, are they hazardous to human body. what power level at the input of an antenna is best suitable to test the antenna. Need some suggesstions
If the transmitter output power is 3-4 watt and it is been given directly to the antenna than is it safe to test in the laboratory or in my opinion it should be tested in an anechoic chamber. reply from someone is awaited
hmmm... not so sure!
10mW/cm^2 = 100 W/m^2 (assuming surfeces uniformely illuminated)
100W/m² means that the Electric Field is √100*377 = 194 V/m
In my country (Italy) the law set limits at:
20 V/m (as maximum level)
6 V/m (as attention level)
Also, nothing is said about duty cycle. I.e. may microwave workers are interested to know biological effects generated by CW or Mobile Phones, but what about the Radars wich have duty cicle as litte as 0.1% but very high pulse power?
Do someone thinks that only the averege power has biological effects?