Arduino vs Raspberry Pi

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Advanced Member level 2
Dec 6, 2013
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I am using arduino Due(and have used Uno, Mega) but I got a offer on a Raspberry Pi for 10bucks and I'm thinking of giving it a go, Raspberry Pi seems to be very different indeed but is it a hole other world?

I mean, I plugg my arduino into the USB port, open arduino IDE and play around.
Is it just as simple with Raspberry or do raspberry demand greater knowledge about computer systems?

The offer will not be available for long so I thought to ask all you people at the same time as I search info online, so far I have not understood more than that raspberry runs linux...


Hi David,
Once if you setup the OS and configured networks in the RaspberryPi you have done the most. With the basic Linux Commands we can kick start the process, son we will get adapted to this environment

go for it...David_

No doubt arduino is good, but with raspberry PI you can do a lot more as it runs a full fledged linux OS, you can do many more thing with it than with Arduino...

In sweden there is a site kind of like ebay that deals with secondhand, not explicitly but 99%.
Anyway there is a guy in my town supposedly selling a "first version Raspberry Pi" for 7bucks and I will go for it but now he does not answer which usually indicates that the seller has sold it and does not bother to say so. Happens all the time but we shall see.
Thanks for your view.

Buy one anyway, as it should be next step ahead. Using aruduino is fine, but with a linux OS you can do many more things apart from this you can connect to various USB peripherals, wireless interfaces etc. Its especially useful for quick prototyping of project ideas, as you do not need any special equipment for debugging (like programmers etc.)

I started with PIC micro-controllers, now I use beaglebone black for most of my prototyping work.

Raspeberry has an excellent support group, a wide range of accessories like camera modules, sensors etc. The possibilities are limitless.

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