The main idea behind the ventral stream pathway is the Object recognition. In the ventral pathway is:
We all know that the light inters our eye from the pupil (which is the central aperture of the iris where this last corresponds the color part of the eye and which is responsible to control the amount of light that enters into our eye). Then it sends to Lens (Cristalline lens, located behind the iris and which is responsible to focus light in the retina). Then from retina to Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) to visual cortex and more specifically the primary visual cortex (V1).
In my work, steps from LGN to V1 are represented by one operation : the S1 units responses in the ventral model are first obtained by applying to the input image I a battery of Gabor filters at each scale, orientation(0, 45, 90 and 135) and position. Therefore at each pixel of the input image, filters of each size and orientation are centered.
My question is to have some ideas about how can i apply this operation in matlab (if you can show me some codes in matlab in a specific example). And if someone have ideas or figures about how to apply gabor filters to an input image (the steps to be respected in order to perform this tuning operation and to get the S1 units), kindly answer me.
Please i need your appreciated help.
Best regards,
Liszt Mornero