applications of comparator

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Jun 3, 2011
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what are the various circuits where a comparator is used?

Comparators compares one voltage point with the other
so we can test one points voltage with the reference of other ?
a look at here
**broken link removed**
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They can be used in the places where you need to compare two voltages... Generally they are implemented using opamps...and its main application will be in almost all fields...

Here's something I designed for a ships rudder indicator.

First copy what is below, then go to Circuit Simulator Applet , click file>import and then paste>click import. And you should see it come up.

$ 1 5.0E-6 10.20027730826997 50 5.0 50
174 464 176 560 176 0 10000.0 0.5198 Postion
w 512 160 512 128 0
t 560 240 560 304 1 1 -3.2970920936786374 0.5624320756878722 100.0
t 464 240 464 304 0 1 -3.46544744408014 0.5548194290157253 100.0
w 480 304 480 336 0
w 480 336 512 336 0
w 512 336 544 336 0
w 544 336 544 304 0
w 512 336 512 400 0
w 448 304 400 304 0
w 464 240 400 240 0
g 448 400 448 448 0
w 560 240 608 240 0
w 576 304 608 304 0
r 400 240 400 304 0 1000.0
r 608 240 608 304 0 1000.0
R 512 400 560 400 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
R 512 128 512 80 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
r 464 176 464 240 0 1000.0
r 560 176 560 240 0 1000.0
w 448 304 448 336 0
w 608 304 608 336 0
a 288 128 224 128 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
w 288 112 304 112 0
w 288 144 304 144 0
w 288 272 304 272 0
w 288 240 304 240 0
a 288 256 224 256 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
w 288 384 304 384 0
w 304 240 336 240 0
w 304 112 336 112 0
w 448 336 448 352 0
r 336 352 336 240 0 1000.0
r 336 240 336 112 0 1000.0
w 224 368 208 368 0
w 224 256 208 256 0
w 224 128 208 128 0
w 432 352 448 352 0
w 304 144 304 272 0
w 304 272 304 384 0
w 400 368 400 384 0
162 144 256 208 256 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
162 144 128 208 128 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
w 144 368 144 256 0
w 144 256 144 128 0
R 144 128 80 128 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
174 368 96 336 64 0 10000.0 0.7673000000000001 -calibration 10k
w 336 112 336 80 0
R 368 64 368 32 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
174 368 352 432 368 0 100000.0 0.7673000000000001 -calibration 100k
162 144 368 208 368 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
a 288 368 224 368 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
r 336 352 336 416 0 1000.0
w 288 352 336 352 0
w 368 352 368 416 0
w 368 416 336 416 0
a 736 128 800 128 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
a 736 256 800 256 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
a 736 368 800 368 1 15.0 -15.0 1000000.0
174 608 352 672 368 0 100000.0 0.30200000000000005 +calibration 100k
w 608 336 608 352 0
r 608 352 608 400 0 1000.0
r 448 352 448 400 0 1000.0
g 608 400 608 448 0
w 736 352 704 352 0
w 672 352 672 384 0
w 736 384 736 272 0
w 736 272 736 144 0
r 704 352 704 416 0 1000.0
r 704 352 704 240 0 1000.0
r 704 240 704 112 0 1000.0
w 704 112 736 112 0
w 704 240 736 240 0
w 672 384 672 416 0
w 672 416 704 416 0
w 640 368 640 448 0
w 640 448 736 448 0
w 736 448 736 384 0
w 400 384 400 480 0
w 400 480 304 480 0
w 304 480 304 384 0
g 336 416 336 448 0
162 864 368 800 368 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
162 864 256 800 256 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
162 864 128 800 128 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
174 688 64 688 96 0 10000.0 0.2822 +calibration 10k
w 704 80 704 112 0
R 688 64 688 32 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 864 368 864 256 0
w 864 256 864 128 0
R 864 128 944 128 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
g 704 416 704 432 0
o 2 64 6 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 0 -1
o 3 64 6 35 10.0 9.765625E-5 1 -1

man its used to campare 2 voltages.assume voltage a and b.So suppose we are implementating it with an opamp.then suppose a is given to noninverting and b to inverting.if a is more than b we get output positive sat .if b is more than a , we get negative sat.applications Can be like cutout circuits Which cut out output if input voltage exceeds some reference ?

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