Can IR3537 be used instead of IR2110 in typical bridge converter/inverter to drive high and low side MOSFET? It has two outputs (HI hand LO) and bootstrap mechanism like IR2110. But, I'm not clear how it works with only one input signal (pin3, PWM)...
Pin description:
Pin3, PWM: The PWM signal is the control input for the driver from a 1.8V or 3.3V PWM signal. The PWM signal
can enter three distinct states during operation; see the three‐state PWM Input section under
DESCRIPTION for further details. Connect this pin to the PWM output of the controller.
The IR3537/CHL8510 can be configured to drive both the
high‐*and low‐side switches from the unique IR fast Active
Tri‐Level (ATL) PWM signal or a generic tri‐state PWM
mode. The IR ATL mode allows the controller to disable
the high‐*and low‐side FETs in less than 30ns without the
need for a dedicated disable pin. This improves VR
transient performance, especially during load release.*
IR datasheet -