[SOLVED] Application of Bluetooth Beacon in Warehouse Management

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At present, inthe warehousing management, as the types of materials continue to increase, the management of warehousing becomes more and more complicated, which brings greattroubles in management and increases the operating costs of management. At present, the complexity and diversity of warehouse management has made the traditional operation mode of relying on manual and paper counting records completely incapable of such a huge work.

The wide application of Bluetooth technology provides a low-cost, stable andreliable solution for warehouse positioning. After the launch of the new generation Bluetooth 4.0 standard, it has better characteristics in terms of communication distance, stability and response speed. The feasibility and practicability of Bluetooth technology in storage location management.

The Bluetooth positioning system is mainly composed of a signal transmitting node and a receiving processing center. The beacon is identified by a unique number of the protocol stack. The main function is location identification and calculation. The receiving processing center is a mobile phone, including a receiver and a processing terminal. The receiver is The mobile phone has abuilt-in Bluetooth module for searching the Bluetooth beacon and determining the beacon UUID identifier; the processing terminal completes the processing ofthe RSSI value to obtain the distance information and the coordinate estimation.

The beacon node is an important component of the indoor positioning system. The deployment method affects the signal acquisition, distance measurement and deployment density, which in turn affects the actual positioning method, accuracy and cost. Under the condition of no occlusion, the Bluetooth beacon has a decreasing trend in the signal within a certain distance, so a moreaccurate position estimation can be obtained within the effective decrementing distance.

Therefore, in the application of the storage scenario, the Bluetooth beacon should be placed on the top of the shelf, and the beacon signal can have alarger signal coverage radius. At the same time, due to the working characteristics of the beacon, the long-term placement in a fixed position isin a broadcast working state, and the power supply can only be powered by abattery, so the power consumption problem of the Bluetooth beacon is particularly important. As far as its Bluetooth broadcast is concerned, its working mode is usually a periodic gap broadcast. The instantaneous current ofthe broadcast transmission can reach several milliamps, and the sleep currentcan be as low as several microamps.

The low-power BLE transparent transmission module introduced by Chengdu Ebyte Electronics adopts Dialog's DA14580 classic solution, which has excellent low-power characteristics, emission current of 3.4 mA, sleep current of 3 μA, and 1 second period of broadcast average current. As low as 15 microamps, it is ideal for low-power environments where Bluetooth beacons are used.

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