i had an apc backup ups es 500, it's battery died, it was originally having 12v 7.5Ah sealed battery, now for extra backup time, i installed 12v 18Ah battery(sealed),
i have read that it needs extra time for charging, have any one done this??
how much time do i need to charge, any idea on how much backup i can expect for a load of 40 watts
practically it wont support, all low cost UPS are designed to work only 10-15 min,
if you want use only 40w it is ok in inverter mode but for charging you have to make external charger if less than 1.5 1.8A ( 1/10 A of battery capacity) charging current
do not charge more than 2.5 to 3 amp for 18AH battery, you can use two LM317 in parallel is the simple solution, just search in google varies circuits are available including switch mode charging
i am currently charging with around 2A, manually i am taking out connection after charging current falls to zero,
now the problem is that the inverter provides only 5 minutes of backup time irrespective of load(tested with no load and and full load) so i'm confused now,
is there any modification that i can do,
i just wanna run a small aquarium pump rated at 20W for around 1.5Hrs, if it's not possible to mod this particulr ups please provide any idea that can be implemented>>
As per my knowledge, APC inverter , checked by me can take more than 80% of rated load safely. Moreover, The charging circuit is really good. Not be able to charge like 70/90/120/150/180 AH Battery but surely can charge upto 24AH Safely.
I Recomended no need for separate charging if not large car battery fixed.
Backup is solely dependent on Battery capaacity, Higher the AH more the Back up. Your 18AH battery may not be new one. One more point to consider is that 500 VA UPS are designed economically and transformer is rated for 10-15 minutes only. If you increase the Battery size, the transformer may burn b'cos it has to deliver higher charging current and also working time in backup mode will increase.
if the low battery beep is coming from the ups .then the fault is in battery.
otherwise check the ups.
to incrase the charging currnet you need a 3amp transformer, make bridge rectifier
using in5408, 4700mfd cap, build a regulator of series pass using 2n3055, adjust
o/p cutoff of 14.4vdc. this ckt will work upto 25ah of battery.