I use both PClinux and windows XP.
Between these two i think windows has better software collection, you may find what you need for Linux but for professional programs or games i think windows wins (yes there are exception).
I don't consider using wine to run windows programs a solution, i compare program solutions made for each OS.
The other factor (this is not a fault of Linux) is that many hardware designers don't have drivers for Linux or the drivers have not very good performance.
I can almost say for sure that unless you are prepared to get into command line you will find it very difficult to use Linux because sooner or later you will need to use it.
I had many problems installing some linux programs, like xilinx or lazarus and many others, also programs that are not included in the repository that need many different libraries to compile and you have to find them and face all kinds of problems while trying to compile, i was also faced with a pc that couldn't boot just because i changed the graphics card (linux), i tried every solution i found on the internet but it wasn't possible, i had to reinstall Linux, windows is very easy in that area.
I find very annoying the way that libraries are used in Linux , there are times when i upgrade a program and also have to upgrade the library it uses and then some other programs stop working because they need the old version of the library, you must either find a new version that works with the new library or recompile if you can , again this is not a problem for Windows.
If we talk strictly about web servers, or dedicated software solution or database or scientific multi task computers etc. Linux is better and faster and has better resource management but for a novice i have to recommencement windows.
Also Linux if free and has many free applications and the security issues get fixed much faster because of the open source nature of the OS so this may also be a factor.
I use both, and i have had problems with both, i had cases when Linux stopped booting after an update and similar things happen to windows too.
Its really depend on everybody's needs, but i prefer windows.