Anyone has magnetotherapy circuit? please post

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Sep 16, 2002
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variable intensity xenon strobe circuit

hello Guys
I am liiking for a magnetotherapy unit circuit diagram, n1 can help?
searched with google but didn't find.

It is a unit that uses variable magnetic pulse (and variable gauss intensity) to help /cure various sympthoms .

magnetotherapy circuits


I'm not sure if this is the 'therapy' you're talking about, but I've read alot about using camera-flash circuits with large coils. I've yet to read a decent explaination for the machanism behind the 'healing' properties (gotta do a test) but basically, all you need to do is create a short pulse and dump it into a coil.

The easy way would be to buy a cheap, disposable camera, with a flash, take out the flash driver (inverter, HV cap, Xenon tube etc..) and simply cut one wire going to the Xenon tube, and insert a large handwound coil (air core). Most seem to wind it around the spool of a VHS tape, making it 2" by 1". Alternatively, buy a Xenon strobe, and use that. Either way, the Xenon tube is used as a high-current switch, since we're discharging a 400uF cap at 330-400V in about 10us. < - Big amps

The circuits that claim to vary pulse width, and intensity are generally quite poorly designed. No real control is available over the pulse, except the frequency (1-10Hz), which can be controlled with a 555 timer, or a small microcontroller.

Last thing, I built a similar circuit for a small 'coil gun'. It managed to wipe (or at least corrupt) my credit card which was 6 feet away. And considering the small rise time of a Xenon switch, you'll create a burst of high-frequency EM, with a massive B component. Its the fact that the radiation is 'wide-band' that seems to be the reason it allegedly 'cures' many illnesses, since it produces so many frequencies.

Hope this helps.


Ps. Search google for 'Rife' (not magneto therapy! uses a vacuum tube pulsed with RF) and 'Thumpy' - Thumpy is the name of the first unit used. So called because when the coil pulses, it 'thumps' due to a surge in a magnetic field.

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