Anyone built the elektor USB programmer?

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Apr 26, 2001
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avrdude tusb3210

Anyone who has succesfully built the USB programmer published in Elektor? It looks promising if the PC software could be updated, maybe already is?


elektor pic programmer

MrEd said:
Anyone who has succesfully built the USB programmer published in Elektor? It looks promising if the PC software could be updated, maybe already is?


Would some1 post the article?


elektor 89c2051 programmer

its already there in the forum in zipeed format.
if you could not find please PM me
Reactions: evaskp


    Points: 2
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elektor usb asp

here is the elektor article
USB flash programmer.
I have made this, shall give u a detaild resilt in a couple of days.
usb programmer elektor electronics

That's a nice project .. ! but anybody has the FIRMWARE and the windows program?

actually i fonud it :
here : **broken link removed**

very wird this people still use Pascal !


    Points: 2
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elektor +atmega162

I received TUSB3210 samples from TI today. Ordered them last week and was delivered by UPS today to the other side of the world. Very impressive. Pity the pin pitch is so small, will have to take something calming to be able to solder it. :sm15:

I think I will build it without the socket and just use the ISP, don't really need the ZIF socket, just have to figure out how to solder the CPU to a vero board or something. Maybe a piggy back construction with the CPU on a separate board with molex pins. Anyone got any idea?


fischl atmega88

MrEd welcome to my world ..all the parts that are now that way .. Evry new interesting chip is hard now to prototype by hand ..
I received the new signal chips with USB they're tiny ..

usbasp 89s8252

Hi. What kind of devices this programmer can program?


89c52 programmer elektor

Supported Devices:

89C1051, 89C2051, 89C4051
90S1200, 90S2313
89C51, 89C52, 89C55, 89LV51, 89LV52, 89LV55, 89S53, 89S8252


Elektor says more will be supported in the future, including PIC and ATmega... I am still waiting for that promise to be kept with their last PIC programmer though :roll:


pic programmer elektor


I'm the designed of the USB-Programmer and included some AVRs. But I can't test them all. So can anyone help me testing the AVRs over ISP. You can find the new SW attached.

new devices:
90S1200, 90S2313, 90S/LS2323, 90S/LS2333, 90S/LS2343, 90S/LS4433, 90S8515, 90S/LS8535, ATmega8(L), ATmega16(L), ATmega32(L), ATmega64(L), ATmega128(L), ATmega8515(L), ATmega8535(L), ATmega162(V), ATmega165(V), ATmega169(V), ATmega48(V), ATmega88(V), ATmega168(V), ATtiny12(L/V), ATtiny13(V), ATtiny15L, ATtiny22(L), ATtiny26(L), ATtiny2313

tested devices:
90S2343, ATmega8, 89C52, 89C2051, 89C4051

You can download the latest SW from:
**broken link removed**


elektor usb programmer

I've a slow connection.

So may I ask before I download it. Is the source for the Windows application included?

isp for 89lv52

welcome pal here andi oyrer when you going to add pic microcontroller

elektor programmer

a_oyrer said:
You can download the latest SW from:

It is asking for password. Can anyone please post the file over here. Or Andi can you please make it accessible to everyone?

elektor microcontroller usb

eltonjohn said:
very wird this people still use Pascal
What's weird about it :?:

flash programmer elektor

It is good if some one has already tested it.

90s2343 project

can anyone upload the pcb layout in pdf or orcad 9 format

The it able to run in windows??any other option for that?

I find schema. I view schema OK ! Thank you

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