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Any simple project involving MCU and Mechanics?

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Full Member level 4
Nov 30, 2004
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simple mcu projects

Can someone suggest me a simple project that could be done in 1 or 2 weeks involving Microcontroller 8051 and little mechanics?

I thought of making a machine that can determine the height of the person but later I got a doubt - Maybe i'm solving a simple problem in a complex way. After all why wuld anyone want a machine to measure height when just standing infront of a wall will do...

Can someone please suggest a small but good project?

hobby project mechanic

MCU + Mechanics + simple project + 1 or 2 weeks = line follower :D

After all why wuld anyone want a machine to measure height when just standing infront of a wall will do...

if everybody had thought like that then there wouldnt have been anything good around us. we would still have been in the rock age.

if you got an idea then make the thing. dont think who would need it or what good it would be.

steps involving to create a simple projects

Well...thats not what i meant.. Its just because i'll be submitting this project for a competition. There, the first question asked by the judges is "What are its applications besides finding out the height?" Then what would I say? I didn't get any ideas, so i thought that. Would you mind giving me some interesting applications of this machine?

You enlightened me but could you give me few possible ideas as to how this height thing could be implemented in a simple way? I thought of the scanning technique and then calculate height but i don't have a clue as to where to start...

Please Help....

well you can do it in a number of ways. you can use light sensors placed infront of the person. all the sensors that have the person between their paths will have a different reading and the sensors which dont have a person in their paths will give a different reading. you can then calibrate and do a little bit testing. or you can use sound instead of light. go to a robotics store and you will find these kinds of sensors.

Sorry to say this but we don't have any robotics store in my place... I thought of having the transceivers by the side instead of the front side.. How would that be?

Well... I thought it would be nice to do the height thing after a couple of days.. Can someone suggest me any ideas? Please Help..

Very simple project, controller for automatic doors and barrier .... you will have one motor to reverse, and several switch .... if you want i can send this project over PIC.

PIC? I heard that the programming of PIC is different compared to 8051. Anyways, i'd love the project.

Yes the programing is different, but you can see the idea, and write your software for the x51 procesor. See the file below, this is my project directory, the contain is the asm file for the PIC, schematic file in protel99 format, drawing of the mechanical parts and some documentation, but documentation and coment in asm file on the Bulgarian language. I hope that ths help you to create your projet.

p.s. The controler have two different regime for work. First this is control of the barrier, and second is control of the automatic doors and portal doors.

Hi, try to do on data acquisition/data loggers ex; getting the temperature in ur surroundings and if it exceeds danger level it's indicated by a buzzer and necessary action can be taken in the form of making the relay ON for a Air Conditioner.
Bcoz, in these projects we generally use a microcontroller,ADC, LCD/ 15 segment LEDs for display,sensors.
So that u can get a very good knowledge on basic peripherals used in every hardware based equipment.

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