Any open-source data on RF BrainScan tech ?


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Jan 8, 2023
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People were reporting on this for YEARS.
I begin suspecting something might be going on when there was a sudden flood of "Havana Syndrome" stories that weren't muffled by the MSM.
It looked like a flood of decoys to drown the real info.

One obvious recent example was Kamala Harris, claiming she was targeted and had "Havana Syndrome" effect.
Since she is obvious avatar of the Deep State, who'd want to attack her BRAIN ?

But there were many posts online with some technical detail, suggesting what's going on.
There were many claims, suggesting it is being not just R&D-ed but used on a massive scale across 14EYES:
And not long ago, we began to see what's going on, when globalists presented tip of the iceberg publicly on DAVOS 2023 (check the whole thread!):
"Hackable humans at WEF: ‘We can decode faces in your mind, your PIN number to your bank account’
Basic principles are known.
At least two sub GHz carriers that get directed to the brain via phased array where they mix and their difference (and perhaps sum?) gets detected and analyzed.
They have to be high enough frequency so that they can be conveniently steered and focused, but low enough so that absorption by skin, skill and brain fluid is not to high.
Initial patent from 1970s was done with two beams in the 100MHz range, but they did not have the need for concealment, nor the convenient HF tech.

Epicenter of the testing ground seem to be in the East and South of EU- all those vassal states from Italy (west) to Ukraine (West) and Albania (south).
Whole area is basically open concentration camp with shallow top facade of "governments" etc.
They are ideal place for testing as workforce is highly qualified and cheap and whole repressive apparatus and MSM is under total external control.
So the place is safely distanced and isolated. Shit is unlikely to hit the fan and if it does, it's unlikely to hit the main culprits, global "humanitarians" etc.

It appears that this is the primary reason why all those supercomputer clusters were installed there - to train AI on the data while being out of sight.
UN has suddenly decided to declare "supercomputer clusters" as a basic human rights and started projects to install a few across those exact vassal microstates a couple years ago.

So, tech appears to be everywhere, but we still have no open source version.

Anyone here with the more tech data to share ?

We might begin believing the WEF is on the verge of achieving 'mind control' when faced with such various 'claims' and 'suggestions'...

However there are the more 'down to earth' reports about what medical science is achieving. Example, prosthetic limbs being controlled by thought. That certainly is in the scope of believability.

WEF is just front for global "humanitarians", Big Tech etc.

So if they are just uttering what they have been told to.
SO someone obviously could have the tech.

After seeing Elon's Neuralink, is it really so "unbelievable" ?

besides, check the whole thread. They are not the only ones, making that claim.

Patent example was done with a couple of Yagis - two IIRC.
It was done 1976-ish so there was no heavy DSP to massage the data, no AI for massive ML etc etc.
Your point ?
My point is that even the most basic yet verifiable element of your barf pile is bullsh!t.

Add to that no evident clue about what a patent is and is not. "Not", including any validation of actual function.

50 yrs ago my draftsman at an Aerospace firm, told me a funny story about early radar systems on tanks, when the pilot stood up above the turret, he would pass out. I later read the Mil-library to find a report on the tolerance levels of RF vs frequency tested on subjects where they defined the safe levels for brain absorption. Much later when cell phones came out, 3D simulations of absorption were done and someone had an idea for an antenna extender. Now the levels are much lower and safer. Unlike the thermal conduction of the power amp next to your ear, if the RF leakage causes heat, you are likely to experience abnormal reactions depending on the amplitude modulation. But for remote transmission of these levels requires very high levels, and the military has trucks to do this to break up an insurrection in controlled environments.

The only remote interference I have seen was a 14' disk drive getting random errors from the radar at an Int'l airport many miles away from inadequate shielding. I have no doubt that clandestine tools exist. Still, they might be unsafe for the operator without awareness of invisible RF reflectivity from unexpected dielectric organic lifeforms such as moist leaves.

So far the topic presented bears little resemblance to facts. MRI's use limited high levels of RF that the Dr's have guidelines to choose a tradeoff of total subject dosage received and required resolution.
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