any good anti-virus software?

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Newbie level 4
Oct 13, 2010
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i'm seeking good anti-virius software for my old desk computer which is always attacked by virus. share som:shock:e good information, thanks..........

For your consideration:
False security is worse than no security at all.


kaspersky symantic norton microsoft.... all provide false security

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i'm seeking good anti-virius software for my old desk computer which is always attacked by virus. share som:shock:e good information, thanks..........

I see u mentioned OLD Desktop Computer.
Some of the latest Anti-Virus and Security
softwares use a lot of computer power/resources.
Ultimately it may slow down your computer.
Choose a light weight one like AVG.
Personally I use ESET and would recommend it.
Hi guys - AVG, Comodo or the new boy Avast (excellent scan on bootup routine) - no question.

And always have a access to a newish copy of Malware bytes - reached the parts many antivirus scanner do not reach.

I have used Faronics Deep Freeze for years. It restores on reboot.

Avira Antivir Personal .. It's powerful, light and free.

Btw, Do not use a cra~ck for an Antivirus.. Ever!

go for AVG free
AVG just help the problems to worst..
avg simply just say that there is a whole lot o viruses (**fake**) in your system and gives us a morale boost that that viruses are removed.. nothing more!!
but some root kits and malwares directly affect it and it files may get corrupted, which will bring th OS to it's knees.
no antivirus provider can help with the latest worms and trojens.. it will keep on getting worse..
so i use for secure files transfers , in my desktop , deep freeze. which proves to be good.. and i am using K7 antivirus in my portable.. recommended by one of my fellows, who is actually working at Mc Cafe' :smile:
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