Thank you very much for your information
>When you say, your circuit is "like that", altough you have drawn a completely >different circuit, I wonder what's the actual circuit of your breadboard. >Unfortunately,
>I can't see it from your nice video. Also I don't know, how you connected the >LED's.
Like this
>One of the main differencies between LS and HC series is it's input gate current. >At LS this current is tipically -1mA, while at HC it is in range of -1µA for logic 0.
I Agree.....
>resistor on the input must be small enough to allow, when grounded on the other >end, the input gate voltage is below logic 0 level. With LS series this resistor must >be smaller than approx. 500Ω.
>Take a look at datasheets for this two type of gates to verify this. Check allso >voltage s for logic levels for both series.
I'll check with VOM the circuit like .avi.
Last question...
Is the circuit in the real world similar when I implemented..The different only
..basically from datasheet only..?
Thank you very much
Huys Cobb