Analysing waveforms using spectre.

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Member level 1
Feb 11, 2005
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wavescan printvs

Dear all,

I have a circuit and I simulate it using Affirma Analog Circuit Design Environment. I get a wave form window with Voltage(V) on the Y axis and Time(t) on the X-axis. Now what i want is to export this data to a file like thing on which i can make further operations. A file which may contain data of Time and Voltage values. Any one can throw some light on this and tell me how I can go about this.

Thanks and Regards,

Use calculator button "printvs"
Fill in "From" "To" by "Step" and than in poped up result window select "Print" with option "Print to file".


    Points: 2
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Thankyou very much Fom. Your reply really helped me.

Thank you mitrobge, I believe this thing can also be done using skill language as well, But not sure whether it would be easier than Fom's method.

One thing I was wondering is will Fom's method work if I have data which is very large. I mean if it is simulated over for 2 or 3 seconds (the circuit could be adder/multiplier).


Doing the method with the calculator and "printvs" you have a difference in units inside the file.
Ex.if you have results V(t) you can have volts or millivotls.
Can we have a unique representation of units (or maybe no units) for further easier manipulating?

Added after 1 minutes:


you can change it from expressions i.e engineering format

This method is not suitable for large simulation results. Bacause Calculater's 'PRINTVS' can only print less than 1000 points!

maybe we can directly use the simulation results stored at the harddisk, through the result explore or sth.
However, I do not know the details. Anyone familiar with that, please tell us.

I use virtuoso analog env. It has a integrated calculator which can do a lot of analysis functions. I doubt if your env has something similiar.

Even if it cannot print for a large simulation, you can use the following ocean command called ocnPrint to print to an output file. The following is the syntax for it

ocnPrint( [?output t_filename | p_port] [?precision x_precision]
[?numberNotation s_numberNotation] [?numSpaces x_numSpaces] [?width
x_width] [?from x_from] [?to x_to] [?step x_step] o_waveform1 [o_waveform2
...] ) => t/nil

Please refer to the Ocean reference you have for more details.

you can use wavescan (awd) to view your output

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