analog scrambler implementation on dsp chip

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Junior Member level 1
Jun 14, 2001
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scrambler implementation

i am a development engineer working in the telecomm domain (VHF RADIO COMMUNICATIONS). We are using TRANSCRYPT SC 460 SERIES analog
scramblers for secure communicatons in VHF portables FM radios (walkie
takies) . The price is around $200 a piece . Quite hefty
i would like to know is it possible to implement the scrambler (SC 460 grade )in
in a cost effective manner in dsp processor. SC 460 is a frequency roll on
scrambler and i dont know the exact algorithim . beside this there are low grade scramblers such as voice inversion scramblers available in many base band audio
processors like AKM AK2342 , but this are not approved .

voice encryption using dsp

Do your radios have to work with others that use this technology? They probably have a patent on it and you cannot make your own version without paying royalties.

If all you need is to protect the signal from hobbyist level listeners, you could probably do a voice compression and then scramble the digital data stream. If you kept the algorithm secret you would be in good shape.

analog scrambler

can anyone suggest some robust voice encryption algorithims which can be
used for scrambling speech signals (300 Hz -3kHz)

speech encryption using dsp

I think that it is completely possible to implement the analog scrambler system in digital.
Using Analog Devices Video ADC and DAC such as ADV7202 you can convert the analog signal into a ditial one. Using a DSP and enough memory resources you can implement a cut and rotate system. or may be you can have more secure system by doing an encryption on incoming data using a famous encryption algorithm such as DES or AES. the cost for the entire system, when produced in large number of units, I think will be less than 100$.

Please let me know If there is any possibility to decode Transcrypt 410 430 460

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