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Analog PID control for DC motor position

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Oct 26, 2001
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analog pid controller

I need a design example for Analog PID control for DC motor position

analog pid circuit

lm12 is 80watt op-amp. it's suitable for analog motion controllers. There's a diagram of analog pid controller "modern control systems". You can design pid contoller with only 3 op-amps. For motion control applications you need frequency to voltage converter. You should convert tachometer signals to linear signal.


    Points: 2
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analog pid

There is a lab not that gives a great introduction to this problem. With schematics and explanation of how to build an position controller for DC motors with op-amps.

Se a post in the e-book forum.
**broken link removed**

regards Me

analog pid control

Hi the path you gave doesn't exist !
Do you have another link ?

dc motor position control

I did get the file from a friend and I found it great and useful so I uploaded it to the e-books section of the site. Now it seams like that section is gone :( (was a great resource)

I also noticed that the same document was out on the internet with another filename, but I can not find back to that place then the link was a reply to my post in e-book section and google gives nothing... So if anyone find it somewhere else, pleas give the link again, until then the file is attache to this post.

The file is a 12p labnoat about an analog PID position controller for a DC motor. It explains the P, I and D part of it and has a chematics.

regards Me
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dc motor control pid

Found it outside elektroda, finaly...

**broken link removed**

regards Me

pid circuit

see yhis site:


An@digm brings platform-based design to the analog world with prequalified software and hardware components that allow complex analog circuits to be implemented in an analog equivalent to the FPGA.

You can use thier chips and build a PID controller (analog) they have appnote on this subject.


motor position control

How can I design the cercuit using ICs as really PID controller?

analog pid control

Tried to "see", but it says:
You don't have permission to access /~thayes/phys123/lb11PID_oct02.pdf on this server.
So maybe you'll show it to us.

analog pid circuits

see Lab 10c in **broken link removed**

... small sample


analog pid controller circuit

see this documentation, used the matlab simulink .

pid analog circuit

see this site **broken link removed**
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    Points: 2
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analog pi controller

you can use ATMEL AVR, it will help you in the way but i dont have more deatils about the problem

analog pid controller design

i hope this would be useful!

analog dc motor positioning

Assalamo Allykum !

If you want to control the position of the DC motor then you must know some parameters of the DC Motor.

1) Open loop gain
2) Time constant OR Setteling Time (tau)

The moel in a model is represented by the

1 + TS

Then you must see its respose on the MATLAB.

Then there are the requiremenyts on that bases you design your PI controller.

I think that PI controller is enough for the position moor control.

"The Dish positioning Ssytem Using Geared Dc Motor" was my final practical in Control Engineering-II.

You design your PI controller for your requirement.

Wish you a good luck

Keep remember me in your prayers.

analog pid controller design+opamp

i got problem with pid controller
please help me to design the analog pid controller for position control

pid position motor

Making the analog PID circuit, isn't difficult.It's just a piece of cake.You can make the general PID circuit in which Kp,Ki and Kd gains can be set by potentiometer.What more important is where your system gets stable.How will you find the gains for proprotional,intergral and derivative controller?What more important is, as how will PID circuit gets the feedback signal.Will you use some sensor? Calibration of sensor is also important in PID circuit, especially with Reference signal for PID controller.

motor damping constant

hey, i need help in determine the physical parameters such as damping ratio(b), moment inertia of rotor(J), electromotive force constant (Km), electric resistance (R) and electric inductance (L) of an actual motor.

this parameters is what mentioned in ee562bkkosh.rar.

pid motor position

Rougly speaking on this one.You need to have two potentiometers for this.One rotary potentiometer, which will be attach to your motor.The other potentiometer is the one by which you control it's angle.
How this will work

You change resistance of potentiometer(control angle), for example you set it to 100Ohms, then the motor will also move in order to set 100Ohms of rotary potentiometer.

So resistance of two potentiometer will always try to be the same.


The resistance actually reflects the angle in position control.I assume you are talking about angular position control of DC motor.

So what will your PI controller would do.Your PI controller would try to keep the two resistance equals to each other.It keeps on moving the motor right in accroding with your potentiometer control angle.

If you need more help on it.I can help you make a circuit of DC motor position controller from scratch.

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