Hi I am a recent graduate and still have a long way in learning analog design and I need help with one of my problem. I want to design some sort of 'selecting/switching mechanism' that chooses between 2 inputs (Vs and GND) to output all depending on what a third signal (Select) is, essentially a 2:1 mux (refer to picture).
And the following truth table as follows.
Here's the kicker. Vs is the only power source in the circuit. I have no idea or where to begin on how to power the "switching/selecting" mechanism if I cannot use another power source to do so. Bascially "SELECT" is a jumper that either close or open to do the selection.
Here is a really simplified idea of what I am trying to get at. .
If J1=1, Vo=GND,
if J1=0,Vo=Vs.
Of course this is not what I want because while J1 is '1' current will drain to ground. I want to isolate the circuit (not power on at all) when J1 is '1' and when only J1 is open that's when Vo=Vs.
I'm thinking of mosfet. still getting comfortable with them. If using mosfet do I need another suppy voltage? is it possible to use my "Vs" for supply and as an output?