Analog IC design in Windows environment

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for analog design the tool below is better, under window system
1. schematic capture: workview
2. simulation : Hspice
3. layout : L EDIT
4. DRC/LVS: sorry i don't know

rogerliu said:
for analog design the tool below is better, under window system
1. schematic capture: workview
2. simulation : Hspice
3. layout : L EDIT
4. DRC/LVS: sorry i don't know

workview is old tool , you only find wv "7.5"
ECS have windows/linux version , and hieary_check is ok
viewdraw is bad for check netlist , even some "cmos node float"
you will find generate netlist is "succesful" --> you must check netlist detail

1. schematic : cohesion ECS6 > workview viewdraw
2. sim : hspice or hsim or adit (aditspice have windows version)
3. layout : Ledit > mychip
4. DRC/LVS : ledit lvs or mychip lvs , but you need write command file

hi all

Do you know where to get h§pice for windows? And some tech files?

why not use linux, it is more statle than windows.
you can install a virtual maching software on windows so that you can switch between linux and windows easily

Added after 4 minutes:

cretu said:
hi all

Do you know where to get h§pice for windows? And some tech files?

Search in the other forum, such as software upload/download, EDA books / doc upload/download.
You are in the best EDA forum now, there are countless good resource hare, software, books, papers....
Dont always depend on the others, just search is yourself , just do it.


but it is not good as you think

the best software you need is UNIX environmental

Hi all,

I've read the posts in this thread. However, 5 years passed from since last post, and I just would like to learn which tools are available currently on complete analog design flow, apart from Tanner's "Hiper" platform?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

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