Re: Looking for an on/off digital toggle signal chip
Hello kma1787!
At this point, what i am trying to do with the chip, is to disconnect a LiPo over-discharge buzzer, that is connected to an Arduino - so the Arduino can switch a relay on and off. I discovered that the buzzer by itself, when buzzing - and when it starts on buzzing, it goes on forever or until it drains the LiPo, consumes not a bit of energy and can over discharge the LiPo by itself quite fast. Actually the buzzer is very strong, it can be heard in an open field, from a distance of more than 150 meters - the reason being, that there are some very noisy model airplanes out there!
Here is the buzzer link, just solder two wires to the sound emitting module on the back of the board:
**broken link removed**
And here is an Arduino IDE code, that can be used to monitor, if the buzzer has started buzzing:
int vmeterl = 0;
int voltcl = 0;
int vmeterlraw = 0;
void setup ()
pinMode (vmeterl, INPUT);
void loop (){
vmeterlraw = analogRead (vmeterl);
voltcl = map(vmeterlraw, 0, 1023, 0, 500);
Serial.print("voltage is: ");
Serial.print(voltcl / 102,DEC); // print; the integer value of volts
Serial.print("."); // decimal point.
Serial.println(voltcl % 102,DEC); // hundredths of a volt;
delay (250);
if ((voltcl / 102>2)&&(voltcl % 102)>=3){
//In this case - do something if the buzzer starts buzzing and sends to the sound emitting module
//more or equal to 3.3V - i found it a figure, that enables to recognize for sure that the buzzer is
//working and not just some incidental flow of electricity.
- - - Updated - - -
Hello Brian!
Thanks for the thorough response!
To keep the line of thought on, from bulletin no.6 - What kind of resistor or circuit would i need, to lower the Arduino PWM 5V 40mAh, to the area of 1 mAh, needed as you say, for the chip?
As well, please take a look at this relay:
Would the Arduino 5V 40mAh PWM, be more "comfortable" with switching this relay, than the relay discussed before?
Could it be, that this here new relay, is so much more low bound on switching voltage and amps - that i can even switch more than one of these relays, at once, by using only one Arduino 5V 40mAh PWM ??