An easy understanding off the energy/mass equivalence equation.

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Member level 2
May 2, 2013
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Sally is moving plants. For the heck of it, Sally has to move each plant X distance in X amount of time.

Sally moves a 1 mass plant 1 distance in 1 amount of time.

Sally moves a 2 mass plant 1 distance in 2 amount of time.

Remember, Sally needs to move her plants in the same amount of time. So, Sally must expend more energy moving plants of 2 mass!


Sally is mother nature. She moves her plants (matter) X distance in X amount of time (space-time).

"Sally moves a 1 mass plant 1 distance in 1 amount of time."

"Sally moves a 2 mass plant 1 distance in 2 amount of time."

Look around you. Do you see some objects fly further into space & time & others back?

I don't think so. All objects, regardless of mass, travel into space & time at the same speed ...just as all objects regardless of mass, fall at the same velocity.

Therefore, it is only logical to think that each book, each table, each giraffe, each car, each hat, etc, must all have different energy levels!

& these energy levels must be balanced somehow so they all travel through space-time at the same speed! Well c'mon, take another look around you. It all looks the same doesn't it? I mean, nothing's disappearing, right?


What is the speed of space-time? Isn't this the energy-mass ratio?
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