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AMS simulation error: ncelab: Cannot find any unit under <library name><instance name> :spectre in design labraries.

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Newbie level 5
Feb 1, 2021
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When I perform postlayout simulation, I ran into a problem. The format of the output of PEX is Hspice, and I set the cell view to SPICE source file in the config. The version of cadence is IC615 and the simulator is AMS, the NETLIST AND RUN MOD is Cellview-based netlister with ncvlog, ncelab, ncsim. The errors are shown in the picture.

The picture is very small. Can you capture another one and post?
Do you run AMS? why do you need ncsim? are you running AMS for verification or analogue post layout?

The picture is very small. Can you capture another one and post?
Do you run AMS? why do you need ncsim? are you running AMS for verification or analogue post layout?


Yes, I do run the AMS, and I didn't set anything for ncsim, maybe is the default. The reason why I ran the ASM is that I want to perform analogue post layout.


Instead of posting (big in bytes) pictures you may " copy and paste" text. With lowest byte count and best quality.


Have you checked that stop list is "spectre" in AMS config?
To debug, you can start by implementing a config which uses only cells from analogLib and see if you still have errors. It looks like the simulator cannot find the models for your tech lib. You can implement a simple R or RC circuit testbench and put it in config and simulate it and see what happens.

Have you checked that stop list is "spectre" in AMS config?
To debug, you can start by implementing a config which uses only cells from analogLib and see if you still have errors. It looks like the simulator cannot find the models for your tech lib. You can implement a simple R or RC circuit testbench and put it in config and simulate it and see what happens.

Spectre is already in my stop list. And the pre simulation was very successfull, I don't know if I still need to do" implement a simple R or RC circuit testbench and put it in config and simulate it and see what happens" as you advise?

What would be beneficial is to know if there is something "general" missing in your AMS setup regarding the tech library or something in this particular design. This is why I recommend to do a config file contains onyl cells from analogLib and not from technology lib.

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