amplify the signal output of the 555 timer

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If it is a colour camera it won't be much good at seeing IR. Even monochrome cameras will have IR filters unless you buy one specifically without one, or remove it.

I am not sure if LED legs are universal - it is best to check the data sheet - but I had a quick look at one and the anode was the short leg, so that should be connected to the 555. If it is the wrong way round I wouldn't expect it to short anything out, depending on the LED - some have quite low maximum reverse voltages.

The out voltage of 555 usually is vcc - 1 ! so your out voltage is very low !
The variable resistor don't work at that place you must connect the pin 2th 0f variable resistor to DISCH .
Between variable resistor and capacitor you can use a resistor. each resistor between DISCH and THRESH determine time of off . and connect the control pin to earth with 100nf capacitor .
I hope that your circuit worked truly .

Best wishes
Green tree
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