Amplify an analog signal up to 24V and 4A

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Full Member level 2
Aug 9, 2010
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I must design a circuit that have an low power DC input from 0 to 10V and must produce
an output from 0 to 24V with 4A load capacity.

I need your guide for circuits and proper electronic parts.

I need to know if designing PCB of such a circuit have special considerations.

Main power source is +24 V DC.

Thanks for your support.
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To get decent power efficiency you'll want to build a class D (ie class S) amplifier, though you will have some ripple on the output. A linear amplifier would probably be easier to design, but would be much less efficient.

What kind of bandwidth do you need on the output?

Thanks .
DC .

Try going for multi stage amplifiers Mostly a CE amplifier followed by an emitter follower play with the resistors and you can get 4 A current in the op

main power source Can't get your point here Why not eloborating here a little

Is this a good idea to use a power op-amp such OPA548 ?
With Single supply at +24V i can't get +24V output from op-amp .

Thanks for your support.

No op amp is ideal and so you can't get 24V from the 24V you supplied There are losses Though theoretically this is very much possible

Even a class D amp can't get all the way up to 24V out from a 24V supply, due to resistance. If you want to go all the way to the supply rail (or beyond it) then you need a much more complex amplifier topology (or a step up DC-DC converter).

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