Amplifier IC - Dual Channel

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Member level 5
Mar 20, 2007
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my amplifier

Hi all,

I have a problem of noise with my amplifier, the application is amplifying an audio signal. I have already tried the following IC's: LM358, LM833, MCP6002 out of these I get the lowest noise on MCP6002 when I hear voice after amplification.

Can anyone suggest a better dual channel amplifier, best suited for an audio amplification application, although if noise quality is better cost would not be a factor.

Also, i wanna know as far as the specs is concerned LM833 looks to be best out of the above three but MCP6002 gives better results than LM833 in my application? Why?

Many Thanks,

applications for ic lm358

Are you refering to an audio Pre amplifier or a power amplifier? Coz with the devices mentioned, only audio Pre-amplifiers acn be built. For better Pre -amps, you may try TL072 Op amps which is widely used in audio designs. Good luck.

pre amp tl072

Also, i wanna know as far as the specs is concerned LM833 looks to be best out of the above three but MCP6002 gives better results than LM833 in my application? Why?

May be due to design of the amplifier. Refer datasheet for proper design


Could you post your circuit please? We can´t guess what´s happening without precise information.


right now i don't have the circuit diagram with me.. but i'll try to post it later..

the signal is a from a parallel telephone landline where it is first compressed so that the telephone line doesn't get busy and then the dual amp is being used to amplify the signal back so that we can here it and record it. the first opamp is being used as the primary input source and the output of the first amp is being given to the second opamp's input to get the finally amplified signal..

in the mean time i'll try the above suggestions..


Added after 6 minutes:

Also i would like to know if these parameters related to noise in the datasheets should be greater or lesser in value

Input Noise Voltage
Input Noise Voltage Density
Input Noise Current Density

to provide better noise immunity?

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