I see now why you were confused.
From the circuit of the snapshot, it wasn't clear that the opamp is supplied by dual sources as +Vcc and -Vcc. In this case, Vout can be negative. But I think you like using +Vcc only (5V for example).
You did well in drawing the schematic.
There is a minor error.
There is no connection between the positive and negative inputs of the opamp.
I think you connected them based on
The voltage supplied on the skin is Vref = 500mV
When an opamp runs linearly (in case of LM324, its output voltage is between the upper limit, Vcc-2*Vd, and lower limit, close to Vss), its positive and negative inputs have almost the same voltage since its voltage gain, Vout/(Vin_pos-Vin_neg), is rather very high, more than 500,000. So if we set Vin+ = 500 mV, Vout increases till Vin- becomes, via the feedback resistor R2, very close to 500 mV. I hope you get the idea why the voltage on R1 (sensor) is also equal to Vref (connected to Vin+).
About the values R_vDiv1 and R_vDiv2, you may increase them (to reduce their current) since the input impedance (or resistance) of Vin+ is very high and doesn't load the voltage divider.
For instance, if you have a regulated 12V supply, we can use the previous formula of Vout and choose its parameters so that we can get a wider dymamic range.
I wonder how you like to display your measurement in this project.