altium wire/net names help

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Junior Member level 1
May 20, 2010
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I am using altium 10.391 (2011) and am still pretty new to it but am practicing with a small design. I was wondering, how do I view the net names of the wires on my schematic page? Like if I want to know the name of a specific wire how do I do this? I know they are named based on where they are connected but there has to be a way other then that right?

The reason I want to be able to do this is I am creating net classes for routing rules so I need to know which nets are which. Thanks.

i think you can using short key " ctrl + mouse left key" before select net .
good luck

The good practice is to give explicit net names to your wires. You can do this by placing net labels by going through the following menu items:
Place > Net Label
When your net names are explicitly given you can easily make rules based on your given net names / net labels.
It is good to make busses of your nets where you can. This way you can apply generic rules to whole bus of your signals.


Yeah I knew about the net label thing but was wondering about finding out without doing that. The answer is you can just drag your mouse over the wire and a little popup comes up showing the name of the net. Thanks.

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