I assume that by protection, you're referring to the application of soldermask on top of the pcb tracks. The soldermask layer in Altium is a "negative" layer meaning that any regions of solid color on that layer indicate the absence of soldermask. So placing fills, lines, regions, polygons, etc on the soldermask layer will expose the surface metal finish underneath. The pads of your parts should already have a soldermask expansion on them by default, so you should only need to add the extra areas that you want exposed.
The easiest approach is to use a fill on the soldermask layer, but if you want it to look a little cleaner, you can copy the tracks from the copper layer to the soldermask layer, and expand the track width on the soldermask layer by the desired additional clearance on each side of the track. Your layer drawing order may hide your soldermask in some cases, so it's best to view the board in 3D if possible to verfiy the soldermask is the way you want it. If you don't have 3D support, view the soldermask layer in single layer mode.
Good luck.