Altium Designer: How to generate Gerber board outline?

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Dec 5, 2006
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gerber board outline

I have not managed to automatically generate the board outline. Must I manually draw the board outline on one of the mechanica layers?

altium board outline

in PCB first choose Keep-Out Layer, then place >> line (it should be place in keep-out layer), draw your board outline. then select all the lines you drew to determine board outline(note that All the lines should have been selected ANDtheir end point should exactly overlap on the next lineANDaltogether they should be a closed shape then go to desgn>> redefine board shape>> define from selected objects. then generate gerber. if you do all the steps correctly you will get what you want.
rename keep-out layer

When generating Gerber files, you have to select the layer that contains your board outline in the Gerber Setup Dialog. Unlike some other EDA programs, Altium Designer doesn't have a special "Board Outline" layer. You either have to use your "Keepout Layer" or some other layer on which you've drawn your outline.

I like to use mechanical layer 3 for my board outline, other users have their own favourite layer they reserve for the outline. Note that you can rename the layer to "Board Outline" in the "Layers and Colors" dialog (shortcut "L"). However, the Gerber file output will still have the standard Altium Designer suffix.

The short answer to your question is - Yes, you have to have your board outline drawn on some layer, and use that layer to generate the Geber file for your board outline.
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board outline gerber

Thanks Fala and House cat. I now have border outline gerbers.

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