Altium: Attaching the same footprint to multiple components

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Feb 8, 2009
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0402 footprint library altium

I have a circuit that I created with Altium 7.0, and I need help editting the component properties of multiple components. I have several IC's in my design and each has a 0.1uF 0805 cap between VCC and GND.

When I created the schematic, I used the CAP symbol in the Miscellaneous Devices.SchLIB. So, every cap has the RAD 0.2 as its footprint.

Is there a quick way to attach the CC2015-0805 footprint to each of my caps? Right now I am doing this on an individual basis with the Component Properties dialog.

Also, when I am designing in the future, is there a way to set up my library to allow me some flexibility and utilize the software more efficiently?


0805 footprint altium

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Right click on any one of the component footprint you wish to change
2. Select 'Find Similar Objects...' menu
3. Locate item named 'Footprint' you will see footprint name as 'RAD 0.2' change the next column from 'Any' to 'Same'. Ensure 'Run Inspector is ticked. Press Apply & OK
4. On PCB inspector window, change the footprint to 'CC2015-0805' and press TAB.

You are done!!

Hope this helps



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change properties altium

Also keep in mind(when you have followd above step) that you update the schematic symbols(process is similar for schematics also) also otherwise it will show error whenever you ECO update.

0.1uf footprint altium

There's an option under tools menu>> footprint manager. it is interactive and useful from there

change footprint altium

Thanks Nishal

This would, for example, set every cap to the 0805 package, correct? If I have some caps that I would like 0805, and others that I would like 0402, how would I select between the two groups?


0805 footprint library

Hi Mj

As said by nishal, using find similar objects select the capacitors by their values or any other similar property listed in the find similar objects window and edit them with the footprint's of your choice.

alternatively use footprint manager under tools menu. there you can have a preview of all the foorprints of individual component and you can even select multiple components and assign foorprints.

if you could read a bit then search for the document "" editing multiple objects " in help (F1) of altium designer to use find similar objects.

changing footprint altium

Thanks for the advice. My problem with the "Find Similiar Objects" was that my library and schematic set up was poor. I will put a little more detail into that next time.

Since my version was lacking the footprint manager, I used the inspector 'F11' along with selecting components individually using the 'shift' key. I than copied the footprint into the corresponding entry in the inspector dialog.

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