Altium 10: multiple vias for routing a track?

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Advanced Member level 3
Jun 13, 2011
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We are laying out a double-sided PCB for a xenon flash lamp?......the lamp flashes for 200us every 800ms, and the flash current is 40 Amps peak.

Therefore, we want more than one via when we change layer with this track.

Do you know how to make a track go to the bottom layer with more than one it just a case of putting a via on the board, assigning it to the same net as the track, then using it?

Put one via by double clicking than simply copy paste via as many times as you need.
Hi Grizedale,

There is no such option in altium designer you have to place it indvidually if you want to speed up the operation you place one via copy it and paste it as array(Edit/paste special,then select paste arry then you can select number of vias you required).
so i dont have to put the extra vias in the schematic?......and how do i ensure that altium doesnt just delete the extra via and tracking?

I know i can turn off "ring removal", but i need ring removal on for other parts of the circuit

yes because altium doesnt link up to extra vias that i put in the pcb.

if you try it you will see what i mean..........

im just trying to change layer with 2 vias instead of one..........but the one via just ends up like an island, kind of doesnt give the extra current handling capability that im looking for.

Hi Grizedale,

Can you pls send a pictorial representation of your concept or what we are discussing.

Via ending as island shouldnot happen if you try to snap it to the trace and even if it happens than you can manually assign the net to via.
The problem of tool automatically removing extra via can be overcomed by fixing vias.

Old thread, I know, but for future reference - while you have hold of the floating via with the cursor, hit TAB to get the properties. Go to the Net drop down and choose the Net that you are going to drop the via onto. That via is now electrically connected to the correct net. I believe the newer versions of Altium have a builtin command for stitching areas or tracks on each side with vias.


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