Alpha-meric Locators in Altium Schematic

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PCB Designers

Member level 3
Dec 17, 2009
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Karachi, Pakistan
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Hi all,

How to do the following in Altium Designer Summer 09 ?

There are many ways to show what page(s) the signal continues to/from. The one is to use the
alpha-meric locaters on the titleblocks of each page. We would then wind up with a name like 3B2. This
would mean that the signal continued onto sheet ‘3’ and quadrants ‘B’ and ‘2’. This may seem a bit cryptic
at first, but will later prove itself useful when trying to locate that elusive signal. It also makes discussing
the schematic over the phone (or through e-mail) far easier.

I used a schematic of White Fin with the same technique used in that. Now I want to do this in my designs on ALTIUM.

Looking forward.


The command is under Reports >> Port Cross Reference. And in the Schematic - General Preferences you can set how it is set up.
Maybe you need to compile the project in order to update the locations.
I am running Altium 10 and I only need to execute the >> Reports >> Port Cross Reference >> Add to project and it will update the new location.
Maybe you need to compile the project in order to update the locations.
I am running Altium 10 and I only need to execute the >> Reports >> Port Cross Reference >> Add to project and it will update the new location.

Yes, after posting the Question, I just found it by searching it on internet. I checked and verified. Then deleted my question, mean while you helped me again.

Thank you Dear a lot.

Best Regards,

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