Aliexpress FPGAs are reliable?


Full Member level 2
Sep 30, 2008
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I have seen some FPGAs in Aliexpress for very cheap (Zynq, Spartan, Kintex) compare to digikey. Are they really work or they are just scam?
anyone had ordered FPGAs from Aliexpress?

“If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.”

China is well-known as a large source of counterfeit chips.


I have two FPGA boards from QMTECH (bought on Aliexopress) - one with Artix7 (100K LUT) and the second with Spartan7. I have been using them for about three years and haven't had any issues so far.

Best Regards


Aliexpress is a market place. So: many vendors.
If one vendor sells a good product, it does not mean other vendors do the same. Not even if they sell parts with the same name.

And if one vendor sells one good product, this does not mean that all products from this vendor are good.

You may find good ones and bad ones. In the end it´s your problem if you buy from unrelaible sources.


In my personal opinion, I would not buy any high-end electronic product from Aliexpress.

Not only in the case of FPGA boards, I find this website risky for any electronic component.

“If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.”

China is well-known as a large source of counterfeit chips.
counterfeits as well as recycled parts. you might get an FPGA board that has been used for crypto mining for 5 years straight. it will work, maybe, for some time, maybe.
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