aldec vs modelsim
every new version they come up with force you to compile all your files and packages. and if you are not an expert you will find yourself cursing for hours.
If someone writes all your own packages, then it is reasonable to expect that same person to also maintain compilation-scripts to rebuild the library, whenever necessary.
I agree it's annoying, but Modelsim has to move forward. And besides, most of the time, you only have to recompile when moving to a new major version (6.2 -> 6.3)
the gui remained in the windows 3.1 era.
It's funny you say that. I was asking myself why I don't like Modelsim/PE's GUI, and I could not quite come up with a reason. Your sentence hits the jackpot -- the tcl-built interface is terrible in terms of responsiveness and robustness. Half the time, I can 'outclick' the interface. For example, if I open to many HDL files in the editor, it's possible to click the 'close' button on each file-tab fast enough, to crash the program. (I'm on a 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, so my CPU isn't the problem.)
Aldec ActiveHDL also uses tcl, but their interface is so much more robust, and responsive.
One last thing, it seems like all these Windows HDL simulators work best on a dual-monitor system. On just one monitor, I find myself constantly re-arranging the main program-window, and waveform viewer-window. I haven't found a good way to manage my desktop screen-space on a single monitor.