Agilet ADS: Putting marker at exact frequency

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Full Member level 1
Oct 9, 2011
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I am doing a simple S par simulation in ADS. How to put the marker exactly at a frequency by keyboard entry. I tried putting by dragging but it is difficult and slow.

When you create a marker (Ctrl+m), you can click inside the rectangular box associated with the marker. Make sure to click on the number portion for the box. It will then allow you to change the frequency value via keyboard.
As ryban1 describes once a marker is placed it is possible to type frequency values directly into the marker's annotation box. You can also simply select the marker on the trace and use the left and right arrow key on the keyboard to step to adjacent frequency points.

Both these controls will only allow for selection of frequencies that are simulated in the frequency sweep. So for a sweep from 1GHz to 10GHz in 0.1GHz steps it would for example be possible to select 5.0GHz, 5.1GHz, 5.2GHz, etc. but not 5.15GHz or 5.175GHz etc. If a specific frequency was required it would need to be available as one of the swept frequency points or added as a single point to the Sweep Plan.

Hi analog_chip,
I can help you out.

This is no where related to your marker positions. This is something you need to take care in "NO OF SAMPLE POINTS"

In the S Parameter menu. You give inputs like, Start Frequency , Stop Frequency, No of points etc"
When you give more no of sampling points. you can place the marker accurately.
It may take some extra time for running simulation process.

If this is S2P file simulation, No Problem.
For Layout Simulation, it may take a quite a long time.

If you need any further clarifications, let me know.

Shunmuga Sundaram

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