Agilent ADS Gerber File Output

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Feb 21, 2005
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Hi, does anyone use ADS gerber output for 2008 version. I have some question about that:

1. When I specify the GND layer as negative, and only define the "slot" type holes on it. The Gerber output for that layer is still positive, in other word, considering those holes as circle pads. So is it any problems?

2. I found that the drill files only support the trailing zero suppress, even though I set that as leading zero suppress. Are there any options that I can deal with it?

3. There are no RS274D output anymore. So if I want to use that, how can I do so?


gerber export in ads

I haven't had much luck with any of the ADS artwork exports. All of them seem to have some issue or another. I found that my best option was to purchase a 3rd party translator, such as LinkCAD. If I remember right, it was less than ~1K, and has plenty of options. I suggested that ADS purchases the code for the artwork translators from LinkCAD to my Agilent rep, but they still seem to have problems.

With that being said, I usually export my ADS artwork into a GDS file, then convert it using LinkCAD from GDS to DXF/Gerber/etc. If you want to stay in ADS, you could easily create a new layer that is the inverse of your "slot" layer. Then include that layer in your export instead of your current layer.

Good Luck!


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I also found it easiest to export a DFX file for the Art work from ADS.
Just make sure your ADS units are the same as your other program(AutoCAD ect...)


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ads 2008 gerber

Well, it is OK to export the artwork in ADS, but just a little more steps, for example, convert all the via polygons to circles, otherwise the ADS cannot recognize them as vias~~

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