ADSL/DSL attenuation improvement?

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Member level 2
Nov 13, 2012
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Hey Guys

My ADSL keeps on going out of sync and dropping the connection, roughly 10 seconds then it will get back on.
It is extremely annoying since I cant seem to stay connected to anything that requires a constant connection. Streaming/Gaming/Downloading even opening large websites.

I have a 2Mb line where I live. It is suppose to sync at 2048kbits a second up and 512Kbits up. Instead it connects at 96Up and rarely its max down.

My router stats are the following.
SNR Margin (Upstream) 6 dB
SNR Margin (Downstream) 8 dB
Line Attenuation (Upstream) 33.7 dB
Line Attenuation (Downstream) 63.5 dB

The nearest Exchange to my house form my Line Service Provider is 5 Km and it is the closest.
Now as you can see that it some terrible stats hence reason from random drops etc.

My Question here is if there is some way I can somehow BOOST my signal that is sent from my house?
I am talking "self built/engineered circuits", noise reduction, sheilding and anything else you can think of.
I am not too worried about blowing my routers up etc.

Just by looking at the router stats. we can see that your SNR is very low and attenuation is high. Typically SNR should be >20dB and Attenuation <40dB for ADSL. Also the distance from your house to the exchange is little bit higher. Ideal amount would be around less than 4Km. I dont think there is any device you could build to boost the signal since attenuation mainly depends on the distance. Therefore higher the distance higher the attenuation. I think only your service provider could help you.

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