Thanks for the help (and sorry for the delay on answering). Unfortunately, I continue to have problems to understand LSSP from ADS. I understand what is for, but no how to configure it en the case of a diode mixer.
If 2 Source Ports are needed, one in RF for sure, but the other, in LO or IF?. In this case a mixer is a downconverter. I don't undertand how Freq in LSSP should be asigned, and neither the orders... I don't find a clear explanation in ADS help or other place by the moment, I'm still looking
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I went back reading ADS Help. In C:\ADS2008\doc\cktsimlssp\ads2008\Performing_a_Large-Signal_S-Parameter_Simulation.html.
" Apply ports to all inputs and outputs. Use a P_1Tone or P_nTone power source to drive a port. Terminate other ports using port-impedance terminations (Term). Verify impedance.
The power level at a passive port (Term) will be calculated by turning on power sources and measuring the power at the port; this value will be used to drive the port.
•In circuits with mixers, use a voltage source for the LO, not a power source. This prevents the LO input from being recognized as a port and consequently having the S-parameters calculated with respect to it
So in my case a Mixer downcoverter, only a P1_Tone is a port in RF, LO is a voltage Source and a Term is IF. So I wouldn't need to have 2 source ports.
I don't understand how to assign frequencies, orders, etc.