ADS: How to import from Layout to schematic?

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 13, 2006
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Hello to everyone,

I was wondering if there's any way to put a simulated two-port device which is simulated in ADS-Momentum, in the Schematic section.

I simulated a microstrip stub in Momentum ADS. and I want to put this two-port circuit in the Schematic.

How can I do this?

Thanks alot.

momentum has an option of generating a schematic from the layout....u could do that or use components from the microstrip TLines in the components palette and add the S-parameter simulation..specify the start,step and stop frequencies, add the port terminations found in the S-parameter palette and simulate the same...u would have to do all the above even if u generate schematic from the layout...and dont forget to add the MSUB component found in the microstrip TLine palette specifying the substrate paameters..


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I am also facing this problem.

As mentioned, I performed the operation in layout ---
momentum ---> component-->create/update

But I couln't understand the next operation (i.e., Now go to library and select this component and place it in schematic). Which library ???

What I am doing is --- After the creation of component in the layout,
Schematic --> Genarate/Update Schematic
Then I get the schematic with the same name of the microstrip line and the substrate, as mentioned in the layout.

But when I simulate this structure in the schematic, the simulator shows the error as --- Cann't find substrate 'MSUB1'

I think I am missing some step here.

Please mention all the steps for the generation of schematic.



After u created the component component from layout, Go the Schematic, wherein u find a library(icon), from which u select the component u have created from layout.

Momentum---> create update-------> Schematic Library(icon)-----> Choose the created layout component.

For ur information the S-parameter files of the component are saved for u so that u can use in schematic.

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