
I'm making and simulating the passive mixers, uses diode-connected BJT
ADS have 2 libraries of Transistors: RF Transistors and Microwave transistors
My scientific mentor asked me the questions, I can't find the answer on
What is the difference between components in this 2 libraries (RF and Microwave). What library I need to use and why?
What is the condition of choosing specific transistor from the library instead of others for my mixer?
For example, I've chosen cb_hp_AT41400_19900404 transistor from Microwave transistors library, reasoning my choice with the words "According to the datasheet this BJT works in Sub-6 GHz and uses in mixers (in datasheet the phrase "used in mixers" is written). And I'm working with 2.4 GHz RF and 2.5 GHz LO
But my mentor told me that this is not enough information to choose this device. And I didn't answer "why I choose the Microwave library"
This is one of my scheme for example. I have several from non-balanced to triple-balanced one
ADS have 2 libraries of Transistors: RF Transistors and Microwave transistors
My scientific mentor asked me the questions, I can't find the answer on
What is the difference between components in this 2 libraries (RF and Microwave). What library I need to use and why?
What is the condition of choosing specific transistor from the library instead of others for my mixer?
For example, I've chosen cb_hp_AT41400_19900404 transistor from Microwave transistors library, reasoning my choice with the words "According to the datasheet this BJT works in Sub-6 GHz and uses in mixers (in datasheet the phrase "used in mixers" is written). And I'm working with 2.4 GHz RF and 2.5 GHz LO
But my mentor told me that this is not enough information to choose this device. And I didn't answer "why I choose the Microwave library"
This is one of my scheme for example. I have several from non-balanced to triple-balanced one