ADS and External Footprints (KICAD, Eagle, etc.)

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Feb 20, 2023
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Hi everyone,

I have the following issue: I do have a footprint for a certain part, for example the Wolfspeed diode "C3D04060E". I can download the footprint via Samacsys in the correct format for almost all ECAD designers.
Is there a way to import the footprint into Keysights ADS?
And following: would it be possible to create a schematic representation of the footprint and underlay it with the SPICE model?
If so how?
I appreciate any help or input.
Thank you in advance

The easiest (and recommended) solution is to get an ADS design kit from the foundry/manufacturer.

If you want to do this yourself, it is possible but you need to have good understanding of ADS. Importing the layout into a new cell (layout view) is easy using standard formats like DXF or Gerber, the difficulty is to create the proper schematic and netlisting views, and make things netlist properly for simulation.

This manual approach is beyond the scope of a forum (too many steps to document if you don't know users' ADS skills), but you might find some writeup in Keysight ADS Knowledge Base (login required). ADS support might also have some documents to show the workflow.

It has very simple footprint, no need to import. Define your working layers, create a simple layout with appropriate pads/copper plane. That's it..

I am aware, that it has a very simple footprint. Like I said, it was meant as an example. I'd like to try a possible import out with a simple example, so I can gather information on how it could be done with more complicated footprints.

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