The 1000 uF smoothing capacitor is oversize. During start-up an uncharged capacitor looks like a dead short, with the result that it draws a current surge. I don't know how this affects the lm2576 IC. Seeing your schematic, it appears to carry all current.
I think the smoothing capacitor can be reduced to around 22 uF.
I am running a simulation of a buck converter with coil 100 uH and frequency 52 kHz. It appears to be a workable design.
I didn't see you state a desired load and volt level, so I'm trying different loads and duty cycles.
For instance, notice that a load of 1A at 19V will result in current peaks of 2A.
If you were to operate it at a faster speed, you could reduce the peaks. It depends on what your coil is designed for.
It would help to get an idea what the controller chip is supposed to do.
If you wish to try the simulation yourself, click the link below. It will open the website where the simulator runs as a Java applet. It will load my schematic, and run it on your computer. (Click Allow to load the Java applet.)
You can change values by right-clicking on a component and selecting Edit.